Products On Show

Cloud and irradiance monitoring at all scales

For 15 years, Reuniwatt has been serving renewable energy, airport weather and atmospheric research by providing cloud and irradiance data monitoring and forecasting services on a local and global scale.

At the expo this year, the company will showcase its network of Sky InSight thermal imagers, which has demonstrated its ability to accurately analyze weather and cloud cover 24/7 around airports, as a remote observer. Thermal vision allows continuous 360° observation of the sky, day and night, from one horizon to another. The network measures cloudiness, determines the fraction of clouds live with a temporal resolution of 30 seconds and identifies the types of clouds present in its field of view. It is a cost-effective new tool to warn well in advance of any potential danger from any direction.

In addition, Reuniwatt’s imagers are very useful on the hot topic of the climate impact of contrails. They can detect high artificial clouds, monitor their evolution over the next tens of minutes and match them to airplanes.

Visit the company’s booth to discover how Reuniwatt provides critical field information for local-scale applications requiring reliable, high-resolution atmospheric inputs.

Booth: 3054

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