Products On Show

New digital pyranometers: accurate and immune to surges
Hukseflux Thermal Sensors

Hukseflux, a market leader in solar and net radiation measurement, will introduce its new digital pyranometers at the expo. These instruments offer additional surge protection to reduce the risk of damage due to, for example, surges induced by lightning in meteorological stations.

The new SR300-D1, SR200-D1 and SR100-D1 pyranometer models are engineered to measure solar radiation with the highest measurement accuracy and reliability. All models are spectrally flat and fully compliant with WMO standards.

SR300-D1 incorporates new features for local and remote diagnostics, including automatic instrument leakage detection and a status LED to verify that the instrument works and communicates. Furthermore, it has high-level onboard surge protection. To comply with electrical safety regulations, the pyranometer features a dedicated earthing terminal for connection to protective earth.

In high-risk environments, the onboard protection may not be sufficient; the external new SPD01 Surge Protection Device acts as an added highest-level layer of protection.

Discover all these new products on Hukseflux’s booth.

Booth: 1030

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