Products On Show

New digital pyranometer

Navimet will present its new RAY64 digital pyranometer designed to measure global radiation and/or the duration of insolation with resolutions of six seconds and six minutes respectively. It can be used to replace old Campbell-Stokes-type heliographs.

RAY64 consists of a datalogger box connected to a pyranometer. The box is compatible with all pyranometers with a sensitivity of at least 50µV(W/m2).

The spectral rate, latitude and longitude must be entered so that the RAY64 can evaluate according to the ONM criteria whether the sunlight conditions are met after a cycle of 20 global radiation measurements (six minutes).

The RAY64 display gives users data relating to global radiation and/or the duration of insolation (daytime total, instantaneous insolation). Data retrieval is carried out by magnetic activation of the box’s Bluetooth modem (timed over 30 seconds) and via a dedicated application that allows data to be recorded by date and also readjustment of the UT time.

The spinning memory has a battery life of about three months.

Booth: 2002

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